# coding by g0t3n
import sys
import os
import hashlib
from copy import deepcopy
filehandle = None
db = "./hash.db"
init_mapper = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
mapper_queue = [] # tmp_mapper,startx,starty,prev_path
key_mapper = [['\x00','\x01','\x02'],['\x03','\x04','\x05'],['\x06','\x07','\x08']]
def notfull(mapper):
for x in range(3):
for y in range(3):
if (mapper[x][y] != 0):
return True
return False
# 因为必须两个以上九个以下
def canwritelog(mapper):
cnt = 0
for x in range(3):
for y in range(3):
if mapper[x][y] == 1:
cnt += 1
if cnt > 2:
return True
return False
def writelog(tmp, prev):
strings = ""
paths = ""
for i in prev:
x,y = i
paths = paths + str(x)+str(y)
strings = strings + key_mapper[x][y]
#print "writelog: strings => "+strings + " | " +hashlib.sha1(strings).hexdigest()
filehandle.write(paths+" | "+hashlib.sha1(strings).hexdigest()+'\n')
def main():
print "wait while generate hash.db"
rounds = 1
for startxs in range(3):
for startys in range(3):
# start point to 0,0
#startx,starty = 0,0
cur_mapper = init_mapper
init = 0
prev_path = []
startx,starty = startxs,startys
if init == 0: # init
tmp_mapper = deepcopy(cur_mapper) # u r not virgin
tmp_mapper[startx][starty] = 1
init = 1
if len(mapper_queue) == 0: # 队列为空证明finish了
tmp_mapper,startx,starty,prev_path = mapper_queue.pop()
#print "head => "+repr(tmp_mapper)
#print "mapper_queue =>"+repr(mapper_queue)
if (startx+1 < 3) : # right tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper) tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path) tmp_prev_path.append((startx+1,starty)) if (tmp_mapper[startx+1][starty] != 1): # 如果该点本来为 1,即结束,即不再入栈 tmp[startx+1][starty] = 1 mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx+1, starty, tmp_prev_path)) if canwritelog(tmp): writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!! if (startx-1 >= 0): # left
tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
if (tmp_mapper[startx-1][starty] != 1):
tmp[startx-1][starty] = 1
mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-1, starty, tmp_prev_path))
if canwritelog(tmp):
writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!!
if (starty+1 < 3) : # down tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper) tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path) tmp_prev_path.append((startx,starty+1)) if (tmp_mapper[startx][starty+1] != 1): tmp[startx][starty+1] = 1 mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx, starty+1, tmp_prev_path)) if canwritelog(tmp): writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!! if (starty-1 >= 0): # up
tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
if (tmp_mapper[startx][starty-1] != 1):
tmp[startx][starty-1] = 1
mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx, starty-1, tmp_prev_path))
if canwritelog(tmp):
writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!!
# 斜 一位
if (startx+1 < 3) and (starty+1 < 3): # right down tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper) tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path) tmp_prev_path.append((startx+1,starty+1)) if (tmp_mapper[startx+1][starty+1] != 1): tmp[startx+1][starty+1] = 1 mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx+1, starty+1, tmp_prev_path)) if canwritelog(tmp): writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!! if (startx-1 >= 0) and (starty+1 < 3): # left down tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper) tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path) tmp_prev_path.append((startx-1,starty+1)) if (tmp_mapper[startx-1][starty+1] != 1): tmp[startx-1][starty+1] = 1 mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-1, starty+1, tmp_prev_path)) if canwritelog(tmp): writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!! if (startx-1 >= 0) and (starty-1 >= 0) : # left up
tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
if (tmp_mapper[startx-1][starty-1] != 1):
tmp[startx-1][starty-1] = 1
mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-1, starty-1, tmp_prev_path))
if canwritelog(tmp):
writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!!
if (startx+1 < 3) and (starty-1 >= 0): # right up
tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
if (tmp_mapper[startx+1][starty-1] != 1):
tmp[startx+1][starty-1] = 1
mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx+1, starty-1, tmp_prev_path))
if canwritelog(tmp):
writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!!
# 斜 两位
if (startx+1 < 3) and (starty+2 < 3): tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper) tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path) tmp_prev_path.append((startx+1,starty+2)) if (tmp_mapper[startx+1][starty+2] != 1): tmp[startx+1][starty+2] = 1 mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx+1, starty+2, tmp_prev_path)) if canwritelog(tmp): writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!! if (startx-1 >= 0) and (starty+2 < 3):
tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
if (tmp_mapper[startx-1][starty+2] != 1):
tmp[startx-1][starty+2] = 1
mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-1, starty+2, tmp_prev_path))
if canwritelog(tmp):
writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!!
if (startx+1 < 3) and (starty-2 >= 0):
tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
if (tmp_mapper[startx+1][starty-2] != 1):
tmp[startx+1][starty-2] = 1
mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx+1, starty-2, tmp_prev_path))
if canwritelog(tmp):
writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!!
if (startx-1 >= 0) and (starty-2 >= 0):
tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
if (tmp_mapper[startx-1][starty-2] != 1):
tmp[startx-1][starty-2] = 1
mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-1, starty-2, tmp_prev_path))
if canwritelog(tmp):
writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!!
if (startx+2 < 3) and (starty+1 < 3):
tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
if (tmp_mapper[startx+2][starty+1] != 1):
tmp[startx+2][starty+1] = 1
mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx+2, starty+1, tmp_prev_path))
if canwritelog(tmp):
writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!!
if (startx+2 < 3) and (starty-1 >= 0):
tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
if (tmp_mapper[startx+2][starty-1] != 1):
tmp[startx+2][starty-1] = 1
mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx+2, starty-1, tmp_prev_path))
if canwritelog(tmp):
writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!!
if (startx-2 >= 0) and (starty-1 >= 0):
tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
if (tmp_mapper[startx-2][starty-1] != 1):
tmp[startx-2][starty-1] = 1
mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-2, starty-1, tmp_prev_path))
if canwritelog(tmp):
writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!!
if (startx-2 >= 0) and (starty+1 < 3):
tmp = deepcopy(tmp_mapper)
tmp_prev_path = deepcopy(prev_path)
if (tmp_mapper[startx-2][starty+1] != 1):
tmp[startx-2][starty+1] = 1
mapper_queue.append((tmp, startx-2, starty+1, tmp_prev_path))
if canwritelog(tmp):
writelog(tmp, tmp_prev_path) # !!!
#print "round "+str(rounds)
rounds += 1
print "finished..."
if __name__ == '__main__':
if os.path.isfile(db) == False:
filehandle = open(db,'w')
print db+" exists. now exit..."